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Harry has been part of our IT department in the position of Vice Network Manager; he has shown professional skills and knowledge of his work duties.
He has implemented and maintained Network Appliance File Server, maintained a multiple server environment both in our HQ and across the country, most of his work was involving finding new permanent solutions to day-to-day events in our computerized environment.
He has integrated nicely with our team and was part of our designated IT person to work alongside Accenture in the implementation of ISO procedure.
I wish Harry the best of luck in his future endeavors.
Harry este un profesionist desăvârșit, cu o vasta experiență si înțelegere atât a sistemelor IT dar mai ales a proceselor de business pe care acestea trebuie sa le susțină, mai ales intr-un start-up de tehnologie si producție. Pentru noi, Harry a jucat un rol esențial in configurarea si implementarea întregii rețele IT (HW/SF), configurare servere si conexiuni sigure Ro-UK, Project Management implementare si configurare Odoo ERP (management proiect, suport tehnic pentru întreaga echipa, management log de dezvoltări) plus configurare si dezvoltare concept website si multe altele. Team player, se poate integra bine in echipe cu profile diverse, si poate traduce si media foarte bine cerințele si specificațiile la orice nivel de complexitate. We love Harry! ❤
Harry worked under my supervision as the IT Manager of our company. His responsibilities included leading our national IT department, budget planning & implementation, administrating our computer and telecommunication network and oversaw data analysis.
I was quite impressed by Harry’s ability to complete all work assigned to him on time, if not before it was due. His work was always thorough and comprehensive, and his professional overview was always accurate. We sometimes allow our staff to do some extra cross-departmental work, but Harry’s talents in Marketing and graphic work prompted us to assign him more work than the norm. His work is clear, concise, and evocative.
My name is Ionel Fierbinteanu and I am the Country Manager for the Autoliv Romania unit of the AUTOLIV Group of companies. Harry has reported directly to me during the time he has worked with us as an IT Manager for Autoliv Romania.
Harry had close contact with the needs of the organization and was also involved in the Autoliv European IT Organization. He has demonstrated good knowledge of IT & Project Management and he successfully follows through with all his tasks.
Harry has proven a good balance between Leadership, Financial & Technical abilities necessary for the success of the AUTOLIV organization. I recommend him to any organization interested in his skill set.
Harry, dezvoltatorul web, a creat pentru mine un magazin online excepțional! De la început, a demonstrat profesionalism și creativitate, transformând ideile mele în realitate. Design-ul este modern și intuitiv, iar funcționalitățile sunt impecabile. Navigarea pe site este rapidă și fluidă, ceea ce a dus la o creștere semnificativă a vânzărilor. Harry a fost mereu disponibil pentru suport și a rezolvat prompt orice problemă apărută. Comunicarea a fost excelentă, iar colaborarea cu el a fost o plăcere. Recomand cu căldură serviciile sale pentru oricine dorește un magazin online de top!